Maitreepirom Shareholder 0.03 % - Connected people has been director and shareholder in Kuang Pei San Food Products PCL. Names Position in the company shares held 1. Mr.Surin Tohtubtiang Chief Executive Officer
Tohtubtiang Chief Executive Officer 0.99 % (5,000,000 shares) 2. Mr.Kraisin Tohtubtiang Managing Director 13.87 % (69,407,700 shares) 3. Ms.Malika Maitreepirom Director 0.07 % (350,000 shares) 7. Connected
แหน่งอื่นท่ีเทยีบเทำ่กับผู้บริหำรสูงสุดขององค์กร (Chief Executive Officer : CEO) 2. เพื่อเป็นแบบประเมินตัวอย่ำงเบือ้งต้น ทีค่ณะกรรมกำรบริษัทจดทะเบียนสำมำรถน ำไปปรับใช้ตำมที่เห็นวำ่ เหมำะสมและสอดคล้องกับ
accordingly. Faithfully yours, Boondee Amnuayskul (Mr. Boondee Amnuayskul) Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
, Ministry of Commerce Trainings e-Government Program for Chief Executive Officer, Thailand Digital English (United States) SEC_wisit
Translation - 2 - The company hereby reports to the SET accordingly. Sincerely yours, Boondee Amnuayskul (Mr. Boondee Amnuayskul) Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
, namely (1) Ratchasak, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, (2) Phongsak, Deputy Managing Director-Finance and Accounting, and (3) Siriporn, Business Development Director. They were found permitting or
Mr. Wittawat Pornkul Mr. Wittawat Pornkul as the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director and Director of Dcon Product Public Company Limited ("DCON"), knew or possessed an inside
agreement. The Board of Directors shall authorize Chief Executive Officer to have power to negotiate, agree and enter into any terms and conditions of such agreement and other related agreements, including
Position Thai Wacoal Plc. A Tech Textile Co., Ltd. 1. Mr. Boondee Amnuayskul Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Director 2. Mr. Nozomu Otsuka Deputy Managing Director Director 3. Miss Karunee