)% Unbilled receivables 560.2 434.2 126.0 29.0% Short-term Loan to related parties - 18.0 (18.0) (100.0)% Inventories 268.0 305.8 (37.8) (12.4)% Other current assets 186.8 104.7 82.1 78.4% Investments in joint
Securities - 25.2 (25.2) (100.0)% Trade Account Receivables 2,297.0 1,330.6 966.5 72.6% Inventories 305.8 268.8 37.0 13.8% Loan to related parties 18.0 - 18.0 100.0% Other Assets 104.7 94.6 10.2 10.8
Securities - 25.2 (25.2) (100.0)% Trade Account Receivables 2,297.0 1,330.6 966.5 72.6% Inventories 305.8 268.8 37.0 13.8% Loan to related parties 18.0 - 18.0 100.0% Other Assets 104.7 94.6 10.2 10.8
of Bt40-45bn. As a result, free cash flow was Bt12,940mn. Net increase in borrowing was Bt10,160mn. However, cash decreased from the dividend paid of Bt23,190mn. As a result, cash and cash equivalent
% from TFRS16 adoption, which recognized the lease liabilities of Bt60,323mn, and increase in borrowing offset by lower spectrum payable. Interest bearing-debt at the end of 3Q20 stood at Bt106,500mn
operating cash flow fully covered uses of fund in 1H19 including the net repayment of borrowing amounting to Bt11,689mn, cash CAPEX of Bt9,443mn, and dividend payment for 2H18 performance of Bt9,812mn. As a
flat QoQ. Average cost of borrowing was maintained at 3.1% per year. Profit In 2Q18, EBITDA continued to improve 11% YoY and 0.5% QoQ to stand to Bt18,998mn, following revenue growth and continuous cost
in 2Q18, following currency fluctuation in the quarter. Finance cost was Bt1,277mn decreasing 4.6% YoY and 1.0% QoQ due to lower deferred interest from spectrum licenses. Average cost of borrowing
acquired in 1Q21, resulting in free cash flow of Bt6,654mn. Cash flow used in financing activities was Bt7,301, mainly on lease liability paid of Bt2,996 and decrease in financial institution borrowing of
instruments where applicable. Finance cost was Bt1,320mn, decreasing -4.8% YoY and -3.4% QoQ from lower interest-bearing debt. The average cost of borrowing remained stable at 2.6% per year. Profit In 1Q22