. Although this circumstance is not a normal transaction of the Company, the Company had to issued credit notes and received program rights return of Baht 220 million to maintain business relations with the
growth. In 2019, the real estate sector was beginning to face a slowdown as a result of various negative factors, particularly the Bank of Thailand’s Loan to Value (LTV) measure. The situation is worrisome
-finance, and auto-leasing (car-for- cash) businesses. The personal loan business is expected to start by the end of 2019 with the Bt500mn credit line in the first year and to target on Boonterm kiosk’s
ความมีส่วนไดเ้สียในกิจการที+ลงทุน “counterparty limit” อตัราส่วนการลงทุนที+คูส่ญัญา “CRA” สถาบนัจดัอนัดบัความน่าเชื+อถือ (Credit Rating Agency) ที+ไดร้บัความเหน็ชอบจากสาํนักงาน เวน้แต่ที+กาํหนดไวเ้ป็นการ
had net pro 2019 was 449.87 million baht. A de prior year. The total revenue was 1,036.22 Interest expenses were 263.73 increase was due to additional of borrowing to support hire purchase loan
net profit of 2019 was 449.87 million baht. A de prior year. The total revenue was 1,036.22 Interest expenses were 263.73 increase was due to additional of borrowing to support hire purchase loan
and equity Current liabilities Short-term borrowing from banks 95.31 59.18 36.13 61.05 Details 30 Jun 2019 31 Dec 2018 Increased (Decreased) % Trade and other payables 289.14 286.57 2.56 0.89 Service
principle amount/ par value per unit/offering price per unit etc. Credit Rating………………………………………………………………….. Financial Adviser……………………………..……………………….…….. Underwriter……………………….…………………………..……….……… Representative
largest amount outstanding during the period covered, the amount outstanding as of the latest practicable date, the nature of the loan and the transaction in which it was incurred, and the interest rate on
Outcome) 4 รายละเอียด รายงานผล Stess Test โดยให้ระบุข้อมูล (1) Risk Factor (2) ขอ้สมมติ และ (3) ผลกระทบ (%nav) ดังต่อไปนี้ Risk Factor ข้อสมมต ิ ผลกระทบ (%nav) Market Risk 1/ Credit Risk 2/ Liquidity Risk 3