financial status and operating results of the Company. • There was no effect from the shareholding restructure of group companies to the operating results of the Company. • The Company had no guarantee for
from: SSK Inter Logistics Company Limited (“SSK”), subsidiary, has returned 10 cement mixer trucks under financial lease agreement to leasing company because the subsidiary wants to restructure
cement mixer trucks under financial lease agreement to leasing company because the subsidiary wants to restructure business by focusing on the expert transportation business, all the cement mixers have
past, which GJS defaulted from the contracts), which is as a measure to resolve and debt restructure from GJS, the interest rate of long-term loan at 12% p.a. (Separated financial costs: THB 207 million
ออกแบบบรรจภุัณฑ ์รวมถงึการพัฒนาผลติภัณฑใ์หม่ ใหส้อดคลอ้งกับทศิทางของบรษัิททีมุ่่งเนน้ไปยังผลติภัณฑเ์พือ่ สขุภาพ กลยุทธท์ี ่2 Reorganize: การสรา้งความพรอ้มใหก้ับบคุลากรภายในองคก์ร โดยปรับโครงสรา้งองคก์ร
. 3.9 Doubtful debt restructuring It shall disclose a nature of the debt restructure, accounting policy of value assessment expected to return and discount rate. 3.10 Property, plant and equipment It
debt restructure, accounting policy of value assessment expected to return and discount rate. 3.10 Property, plant and equipment It shall disclose a valuation method determinate on book value prior to
amortisation. 3.9 Doubtful debt restructuring It shall disclose a nature of the debt restructure, accounting policy of value assessment expected to return and discount rate. 3.10 Property, plant and equipment It
received from the issuance of the newly issued shares to existing shareholders (Rights Offering) and to the specific investors (Private Placement) for the restructure of the capital, internal working capital
to open in 2024. • Restructure the assets in relation to the Dusit Thani Maldives Hotel project (DTMD) by disposal DTMD to Dusit Thani Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (DREIT) in