4 Companies should determine a recovery objective to restore normal operations (5) Division 5 Companies shall arrange business continuity planning for supporting business continuity (6) Division 6
recovery objective to restore normal operations (5) Division 5 Companies shall arrange business continuity planning for supporting business continuity (6) Division 6 Communications with relevant persons (7
restoration compensation after the cessation zinc operation as stipulated by law and new regulations imposed by the Department of Royal Forest of 53.57MB. Finance costs increased by 54.44MB in year 2018
the Company. The Company cooperates with the Department of Royal Forest (“RFD”) to forestry restoration compensation after the cessation zinc operation as stipulated by law and new regulations imposed
recognition of a provision of forestry restoration compensation after the cessation zinc operation as stipulated by law and new regulations imposed by the Department of Royal Forest of 47.42MB Finance costs
in 2017 compared to higher cost of goods sold from imported zinc in 2018. The recognition of a provision of forestry restoration compensation after the cessation zinc operation as stipulated by law
the decrease of claim incurred net of recovery from reinsurers 48.40 million baht, commission and brokerage expenses 40.61 million baht as well as other underwriting and operating expenses 44.11 million
, compared to the revenue of Baht 708.59 million in the same period of 2016, increased Baht 11.35 million or equivalent to 1.60 percent according to the recovery of the domestic economy. - The Company's total
เวิลด์ เมื่อวันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน 2565เลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. ยังได้ร่วมอภิปรายในหัวข้อ “From insights to action: lever of transformative change towards gender-inclusive recovery” โดยกล่าวถึงบทบาทของ ก.ล.ต. ในการขับ
first ?Tsunami Fund? under the name ?Tsunami Recovery Fund? with the fund size of 3,000 million baht (approximately USD 75 million).