(Paraxylene), PTA (Purified terephthalic acid), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), and Recycling Specialty Chemicals Specialty PET-related chemicals (for medical, premium bottles, films and sheets); PIA
Petrochemicals ประเทศอินโดนีเซยี ซึง่เป็นผู้ผลติวตัถดุิบ Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) โดย INBV ได้ท าเข้าสญัญาคอลออปชัน่ (Call Options Agreement) กบั PTIRS เมื่อวนัที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน 2554 ทีใ่ห้สทิธิ INBV ในการ
Prioritise Advancing the Best Interest of Clients 40 Principle 3 Make Informed Investment Decisions and Engage in Active Ongoing Monitoring of Investee Companies 42 Principle 4 Apply Enhanced Monitoring of and
กลุ่ม Combined PET Integrated PET ห่วงโซ่มูลค่า PET PX (Paraxylene), PTA (Purified terephthalic acid), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) และธุรกิจรีไซเคิล Specialty Chemicals ไดแ้ก่ Specialty PET
will discuss the performance of these three segments. Combined PET Integrated PET Full PET value chain PX (Paraxylene), PTA (Purified terephthalic acid), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), and Recycling
goals. 5.2 Irving Corporation Limited, distribution a dialysis solution product which has ordered as continually in present. And the installation of purified water treatment system for hemodialysis unit
performance by these five segments. Integrated PET Full PET value chain PX (Paraxylene), PTA (Purified Terephthalic Acid), PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), and Recycling Integrated Oxides and Derivatives
responsive to the different needs of market participants without unfairly advancing the interests of any particular group to the disadvantage of others; Promptly deal with identified issues and misconduct
(Purified terephthalic acid), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) และธุรกิจรีไซเคิล Integrated Oxides and Derivatives ประกอบไปด้วย olefin intermediates และ Ethylene Oxide (EO): MEG (Monoethylene glycol), DEG
ประเภทธุรกิจทั้ง 3 กลุ่ม Combined PET Integrated PET ห่วงโซ่มูลค่า PET PX (Paraxylene), PTA (Purified terephthalic acid), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) และธุรกิจรีไซเคิล Specialty Chemicals ไดแ้ก่