, increased by 24.53 million baht comparing to September 30th, 2019 mainly resulting from increase in employee benefit obligations. The Company’s total shareholders’ equity amounted to 3,590.95 million baht
solutions was THB 1 7 . 3 7 million, decreased by THB 2 . 5 3 million or -12.74% YoY. The gross profit margin in 2023 was 28.83%, decreased from 35.93% in 2022. This was mainly due to an increase in employee
%, compared to Q2/2018. The reason was in Q2/2019, the company recorded an increase in provisions of employee benefit, according to the Labor Protection Act (Issue 7) 2019, effective from May 5, 2019 onwards
expenses 416.9 million Baht, increased by 185.5 million Baht or 80.2%. Owe to the allowance for bad debt and employee remuneration increase from number of employee in the group of companies. Finance Cost
6.34 million Trade and other payable increase by Baht 14.39 million Deferred income tax liabilities decrease by Baht (7.15) million Employee benefit obligations increase by Baht 2.90 million Shareholders
current liabilities increase by Baht 1.24 million Employee benefit obligations increase by Baht 2.44 million Shareholders’ Equity Net operating loss for nine-month period Baht (6.94) million Cash Flow
liabilities increase by Baht 119.92 million Employee benefit obligations increase by Baht 2.90 million Shareholders’ Equity Net operating loss for the period Q1/2019 Baht (6.21) million Revaluation surplus on
Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions increase by Baht 9.40 million Other current financial liabilities increase by Baht 1.27 million Employee benefit obligations increase by
) million Trade and other payable decrease by Baht (14.66) million Deferred income tax liabilities increase by Baht 127.60 million Employee benefit obligations increase by Baht 9.67 million Long-term loan
117.95 million Long-term loan from financial institutions increase by Baht 34.51 million Employee benefit obligations increase by Baht 10.03 million Shareholders’ Equity Net operating profit for the period