;Approval, Valuation, and Operational Matters และ Part II : The Product Restrictions of Qualifying CIS ซึ่งอยู่ใน Appendix 
Asset – Total intangible asset – Total Liability – Non-controlling interest (if any) Cannot be calculated as on the transaction approval date, Target Company has not yet been incorporated. 2. Comparison
being granted an exemption from the SEC Office with an approval of the Capital Market Supervisory Board: (1) shares issued or offered for sale by a parent company or a subsidiary company of the securities
exemption from the SEC Office with an approval of the Capital Market Supervisory Board: (1) shares issued or offered for sale by a parent company or a subsidiary company of the securities underwriter; (2) non
shall not make underwriting of the following securities, except being granted an exemption from the SEC Office with an approval of the Capital Market Supervisory Board: (1) shares issued or offered for
granted an exemption from the Office with an approval of the Capital Market Supervisory Board: (1) shares issued or offered for sale by a parent company or a subsidiary company of the securities underwriter
the Office with an approval of the Capital Market Supervisory Board: (1) shares issued or offered for sale by a parent company or a subsidiary company of the securities underwriter; (2) certificates
within 30 days after receiving approval from the Board of Directors' Meeting 3/2019 of 7UP, which was held on April 5, 2019. 2. Involved parties and relationships with the Company and/or the Buyer Buyer
after receiving approval from the Board of Directors' Meeting 3/2019 of 7UP, which was held on April 5, 2019. 2. Involved parties and relationships with the Company and/or the Buyer Buyer Ferrum Energy
เทศของผูลงทุนขางตน ซ่ึงไมไดรับความคุมครองในดาน ขอมูลเชนกัน 2. เกณฑการออกตราสารหนี้แบบ PO หลักการที่เสนอ ความเห็นของภาคธรุกิจ และความเห็นสํานกังาน ดังนี ้ 2.1 เกณฑอนุญาต (shelf approval) ปรับ