determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil monetary penalty of 81,989,987.87 Baht The SEC has banned Mr. Sittichai from holding the position of
determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a compensation of the benefit received from committing the offense in an amount of 1,385,440.00 Baht  
financial statements through the SET Information Transmission System. 30/07/2019 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows :  
account. 05/04/2021 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil monetary penalty of 23,295,000.00 Baht
stocks. 22/12/2022 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a compensation of the benefit received from committing
>23/12/2022 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a compensation of the benefit received from committing the
with the normal market condition. 03/03/2023 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a compensation of the
that are aimed at protecting debt securities holders, which can require the issuer to take certain actions, or to refrain from taking certain actions. Examples of covenants include; (a) prohibition on
Providing Services of Derivatives Agent ______________________ Clause 13 For the purpose of preventing and ceasing unfair acts or improper investments or transactions, an intermediary shall include the
Providing Services of Derivatives Agent ______________________ Clause 13 For the purpose of preventing and ceasing unfair acts or improper investments or transactions, an intermediary shall include the