digital token offeror between 22/11/2023 and 21/07/2024 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 22/11/2023 and 21/07
token offeror between 22/11/2023 and 21/07/2024 - a bar from serving as a director or executive in a digital asset business operator between 22/11/2023 and 21/07/2024
and introducing provisions for Digital Infrastructure Main Operator; (2) Supervision of Securities and Derivatives Business Operators: revising regulations for major shareholders of business operators
ละเอียดโครงการ และหนงัสือช้ีชวนส่วนสรุป เหตุผล เกณฑใ์นประกาศท่ี สธ. ../2555 ก าหนดให ้-- - CIS Operator และตวัแทนขายตอ้งยืน่เอกสารตั้งโครงการ/บริษทั รวมถึงเอกสารท่ี ใชใ้นการเสนอขาย CIS ตามกฎหมายของประเทศท่ี
) Evidence that foreign ETF and foreign ETF operator are subject to supervision of foreign regulator who is a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO); (5) Certification that
CIS operator ที่จะมำเสนอขำยหน่วยลงทุนต่ำงประเทศในไทยได้โดยตรง โดยไม่จ ำเป็นต้องก ำกับดูแล ผ่ำน local intermediary ซึ่งส ำนักงำนได้เปิดรับฟังควำมคิดเห็นหลักกำรตำมเอกสำรรับฟังควำมคิดเห็นที่ อนจ. 10/2560
, the total transaction amount was Bt9,943mn, decreasing 5.4% YoY. However, the money transfer service, of which the Company is the banking agent for 4 banks, has been growing consistently with average of
as securities business operator in the category of mutual fund or private fund management or under custody of a securities company in its position as fund supervisor or custodian; (2) a financial
as securities business operator in the category of mutual fund or private fund management or under custody of a securities company in its position as fund supervisor or custodian; (2) a financial
as securities business operator in the category of mutual fund or private fund management or under custody of a securities company in its position as fund supervisor or custodian; (2) a financial