rental for Q1–2019 decreased. Other income In Q1–2019, the Other income increased form Q1–2018. This is because the Company had not yet received money of sales support from the vendors according to the
to THB 114.7 Mn respectively, an increase of THB 1.9 Mn or 1.7%. This increase was mainly due to staff increase to support the future business expansion. As a percent of total revenue, administrative
as caused by higher employee expenses to support more workloads and more units from business expansion of the Company. Table 6: Administrative Expenses by Type of Expenses the Three Months Period Ended
ย่น เมทอล จ ากัด หรือ “HM” ในงวดสามเดอืน ไตรมาสที ่1/2562 มรีายไดร้วม 14.68 ลา้นบาท เพิม่ขึน้ 0.68 ลา้นบาท คดิเป็นรอ้ยละ 4.89 จากงวดเดยีวกันในปี 2561 เนื่องจาก HM ผลติสนิคา้สว่นหนึ่งเพื่อ support บรษัิท
Baht to support the business expansion. However, the decreased in Property, plant and equipment resulted from impairment on gas depot and related assets in LPG trading business amounting of 22.48 Million
increase capabilities and support new projects total of 24.11 Million Baht. After depreciation deducted and decreasing of Restricted bank deposits which cause the Group’s non-current assets as 31 March 2019
service business amounting of 48.56 Million Baht to support the business expansion. However, the decreased in property, plant and equipment resulted from impairment on gas depot and related assets in LPG
compare to 5.02 million baht or 2.88% from sale revenue of last year, increased by 1.40 million baht or 27.88% increased, which is in line with the increasing revenue and from Sale department support to
) and Thai customers continue to support, in which this group of customers is the main proportion. Page 3 For the six-month period ended 30 June 2019, revenues from hotel business of 646.47 THB mm
เนื่องจาก HM ผลติสนิคา้ส่วนหนึ่งเพื่อ support บรษัิทใหญ่ เมือ่บรษัิทใหญ่มกีารผลติลดลงในชว่งทีผ่่านมา จงึเป็นโอกาสที ่HM มกี าลังการผลติเหลอื เพยีงพอส าหรับลกูคา้ภายนอกเพิม่ขึน้ ท าใหค้าดวา่จะมรีายไดจ้ากลูกคา้