the sales and services from Q2/2019 was 90.29% decreased to 82.95% on Q2/2020 or decreased 7.34% from sales due to at Q2/2019 recorded the effect of the change severance pay by recognizing past services
expenses increased by severance pay rate for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of 20 years or more are entitled to receive compensation at a rate of not less than the last 400 days from
in Thai baht through Prompt Pay and Thai QR. Such provision of services may be deemed the ASEAN Capital Markets Regulators Reiterate Strong
in Thai baht through Prompt Pay and Thai QR. Such provision of services may be deemed the ASEAN Capital Markets Regulators Reiterate Strong
retroactively from the date of the Bondholders’ Meeting No. 2/2024. During the interest deferral period, the company would pay an additional interest of 0.50% per year to be included in the calculation for
(1992) subject to liabilities under Section 296 of the Act. Both Ratchanon and Saowapak agreed to pay their respective fines. # # #
executing orders. Those funds with buy-and-hold strategy without full hedging policy must not disclose expected return to investors. Investors are advised to pay attention to forex risk information
as a listed-company director with responsibility, prudence, honesty and integrity. As a result, the Civil Penalty Consideration Committee ordered Mr. A to pay a civil fine and compensate the SEC for
with responsibility, due care and loyalty. As a result, the Civil Sanction Committee ordered {A} to pay a civil fine, compensate the SEC for any expenses incurred from investigating the offence, and
under Section 296 of the said Act. As he agreed to enter the settlement procedure, the Settlement Committee ordered him to pay a fine of 500,000 baht.?