million in inventory, and an increase of Bt58 million in Goodwill. Total Liabilities Total liabilities increased from Bt6,576 million at the end of 2017 to Bt6,777 million as of June 30, 2018; short-term
decreased by Baht 4.32 million. The inventory increased by Baht 8.96 million. The amount of loan lent to other businesses increased by Bath 5.00 million. The advance payment of shares and accrued interest
exercise of warrants and has reserve cash to pay for raw materials and more inventory of 190.16 Million Baht, decline in short term investment of 121.99 Million Baht due to subsidiary (RWI) paid for raw
especially in Packing Credit and Bill of Exchange. However, trade payable increased from the purchase inventory to support OEM projects. Shareholders’ Equity As at 30 June 2018, shareholders’ equity was Baht
- Inventory 59.27 59.17 65.75 - Building and equipment maintenance 31.82 41.55 52.70 ▪ Total liabilities 34.40 25.13 23.90 - Trade account payable 19.41 14.82 15.59 - Other payables 13.52 9.01 6.43
, temporary investment fund, accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and equipment and also the investment in associates. 2. Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity Statement of Financial Position 30
inventory, especially in the OEM parts following customers’ orders and to meet customers’ demand at the end of the year. The balance of property, plant and equipment also increased from the investment in new
ค่าดว่าจะเกดิขึน้ตลอดอายุหนี้และรบัรู้ ผลขาดทุนตัง้แต่การรบัรูร้ายการลกูหนี้การคา้ ในสว่นของสนิคา้คงเหลอืลดลง 18.35 ลา้นบาทเน่ืองจากการบรหิารจดัการ Inventory day ใหล้ดลง นอกจากนี้รายไดท้ีย่งัไม่ไดเ้รยี
respectively. The company had cash and cash equivalents of THB 258.2 MB and THB 382.3 MB at the end of the year 2019 and Q2/2020 or 22.3% and 27.6% of total assets respectively. Secondary, inventory as of the
priority to the management of housing inventory and financial liquidity. (2) Rent and Service Business MK Group was able to continue to grow revenue from its rent and service business. This helped to