was THB 577.5 MB and THB 692.9 MB respectively, equivalent to 49.8% and 51.9% of total assets respectively. The Company had inventory as of the year 2019 and Q3/2020 amounted THB 227.4 MB and THB 386.7
-2,546 ล้ำนบำท (-205% QoQ, -230% YoY) แต่มี Operating EBITDA 1,173 ล้ำนบำท โดยมี Inventory Loss 3,434 ล้ำนบำท (รวมขำดทุนจำกกำรปรับมูลค่ำสินค้ำคงเหลือ (NRV) 1,689 ล้ำนบำท) และเนื่องจำกสถำนกำรณ์รำคำน ำมันดิบ
production efficiency in order to slow down production to not increase the burden of inventory and is also an important part of maintaining cash flow in the coming months the import of goods at a cheaper price
มีห้องว่ำงรอกำรขำย (Inventory) รวมมลูค่ำประมำณ 5,404.23 ล้ำนบำท โดยรวมโครงกำร 7 โครงกำร ใหม่ที่เปิดขำยและอยู่ระหว่ำงกำรก่อสร้ำง ซึ่งมีก ำหนดที่จะสร้ำงเสร็จในปี 2563 และ 2564 จ ำนวน 4 โครงกำร จึงเรียนมำ
to the company managed the inventory level appropriately to reduce storage costs and reduce the burden of working capital. In addition, unbilled income for project work decreased by 33.82 million baht
Administration. MACO will leverage the benefits of digitalising its prime media inventory - such as higher visual impact advertising - by converting its existing 188 static street furniture panels to 42 LED
Company. However, the Company aware of these risks, the policy has determined to adopt, especially in raw material procurement procedures. The Company attempt to maintain a faster inventory ท่ีตั้ง 55/2 หมู
impact of the global trade war. Resulting in the Company had to accelerate the management of the inventory levels to be suitable for sales volume. If comparing the inventory from the beginning to the end
9.63 million. And inventory has net increased totaling Baht 11.14 million to support the customer orders in the 1 st quarter of 2018. These factors have resulted in assets to net increase as mentioned
) Quick ratio (Time) 1.06 3.39 (2.33) Average collection period 85 80 (5) Days of inventory 206 217 (11) Profitability ratio Gross profit margin (%) 19.07% 26.34% (7.27%) Operating profit margin (%) 0.12