person. [ ] Yes [ ] No (3) I have been denounced by the SEC Office or have been tried in any criminal proceedings resulted from denunciation by the SEC Office or was imprisoned by the court’s final
expenses but recognizing net profit according to the investment proportion which is 50%. Although in 2017 there was a decrease in investment by private sector and consumer spending, the government tried to
land appraisal price, the valuation for market price by UK Valuations And Agency Co., Ltd. on December 20, 2018, cost of purchase value and mutually agreed price. The company has tried to sell this piece
tried to minimize the risks that might incur from the uncertain spread of COVID-19 outside Thailand and the stringent housing loan approval policies adopted by the financial institutions. MK gave its
Logistics Public Co., Ltd. (“NCL” or ("the Company") slightly gained less revenue than the previous year around 1.49% due to poor overall economic situation at the beginning of the year. NCL tried to follow
Company Limited had income for the 9 months period decreased from the previous 0.59 %, but the gross profit increased from the previous year 6.85 %. due to the company tried to control costs and adjust
Shareholders No. 1/2018, held on 28 February 2018, whereby the “basis price” used for the tender is Baht 14.84 million, which is the price close to the appraised market value. The Company has attempted to
material’s cost higher than the selling price. Eventhough, the Company has tried to manage the inventory turnover and the period of sale as the following; The price of crude palm oil for Bangkok Jan Feb Mar
delivery. In addition, the Company attempted to increase sales by engaging in the development of products with customers to create reliability for customers in dealing businesses with the Company. Return on
attempted to build up demand of B20 by announcing the variety of measurements. While in 1Q2018, the government asked collaboration from fuel traders M.7 to keep more inventory of methyl ester to absorb