Tired” seminar, in which financial simulation games were held to equip our self-employed customers with financial literacy, especially on how to tackle financial problems, as these clients have gained a
workers are closeted at work • 53% of LGBTI individuals hear jokes about lesbian or gay people • 67% of LGBTI individuals experienced discriminatory comments • 17% of LGBTI individuals feel exhausted from
Baht 12.60 million, increased by Baht 2.60 million from the same period of previous year due to the increase in net profit of a subsidiary company who manufacture and supply the automotive exhausted
to the increase in net profit of a subsidiary company who manufacture and supply the automotive exhausted pipes to automotive industry. 2 1.1 Revenue For the period of three months ended 30th June 2018
amount by 61.89 million of previous year by 7.7 percent. The decreased was due mainly to the higher sales and administrative expenses of a subsidiary who is the manufacturer of exhausted pipe in automotive
higher sales and profit of a subsidiary who is the manufacturer of exhausted pipe in automotive industry. 1.10 Profitability For the year ended 31st March 2018, the Company and its subsidiaries had higher
exhausted pipes to automotive industry. For the period of 1st half ended 30th Sept 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries had net operating profit of Baht 166.19 million which accounting for the increase by
16.29 million, increased by Baht 6.47 million from the same period of previous year due to the better sales and net profit of a subsidiary company who manufacture and supply the automotive exhausted pipes
automotive exhausted pipes to automotive industry. 2 1.1 Revenue For the period of three months ended 30th June 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries had revenue from sales and service of Baht 719.81 million
current quarter due to lower sale in the subsidiary company who operate the automotive exhausted pipe and increase by 3.4 for the period of nine months. 1.7 Earning (loss) before interest and tax and Net