responsible for the underwriting of Takuni Group Public Company Limited (TAKUNI) and CCN-Tech Public Company Limited (CCN) securities, by allowing Mr.Chupong to use Mr.Charnchai’s trading account to subscribe
responsible for the underwriting of Takuni Group Public Company Limited (TAKUNI) and CCN-Tech Public Company Limited (CCN) securities, by allowing Mr.Chupong to use her trading account to subscribe and receive
shares to be offered to the general public (80,000,000 shares), which is 5.71% of the paid up capital after the IPO has been completed (280,000,000 shares). The allocation of the right to subscribe for the
company” means mutual fund management company; “fund manager register” means register of person qualified to be fund manager under the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission
estate or leasehold right of Property Fund for Solving Financial Institution Problems or Property and Loan Fund; (5) “Register of Persons Qualified to be Property Fund Manager” means the list of persons
leasehold right of Property Fund for Solving Financial Institution Problems or Property and Loan Fund; (Translation) -2- (5) “Register of Persons Qualified to be Property Fund Manager” means the list of
leasehold right of Property Fund for Solving Financial Institution Problems or Property and Loan Fund; (Translation) -2- (5) “Register of Persons Qualified to be Property Fund Manager” means the list of
) Approving the use of 13 February 2025, which is the closing date of the bondholder register for interest payment and/or any benefit distribution, as the closing date of the bondholder register for
operation. 2. Debt securities underwriter, co-underwriter and its parent company and subsidiary company will be allowed to subscribe and be allocated the underwritten debt securities with a view to supporting
are eligible to subscribe for the newly issued shares shall be those whose names are recorded in the shareholders register on November 10, 2017 (Record Date), pursuant to Section 225 of the Securities