; and c) the Kerry Shares Acquisition Transaction being completed within August 14, 2018, which will result in the Sellers of Kerry shares, who will subscribe for the newly issued ordinary shares of the
the market in the near term. The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company resolved that the Company subscribes for new ly-issued investment units of JASIF (pursuant to the resolutions of the
subscribes for newly-issued investment units of JASIF (pursuant to the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of t he Company No. 1/2018 held on 11 May 2018 that was announced on
, 2019 resolved to approve that the Company subscribes for newly issued shares of Thai Identity Sugar Factory Company Limited (“TIS”), (a subsidiary of the Company in which the Company holds 99.99 percent
be allocated due to fraction of shares, or no other shareholders wish to subscribe for such shares. In this regard, the Company will set the date on which the names of shareholders entitled to
registrar of any asset as assigned by a client, the securities registrar shall proceed according to the rules, conditions and procedures for recording and maintaining the register of securities including
. Agenda 12 Approve the amendment on the Memorandum of Association to register the decrease and increase in capital Opinion of the Board of Directors The company’s board has a resolution to present to the
subscribe for the newly issued shares shall be those whose names are recorded in the shareholders register on 21 November 2017 (Record Date), pursuant to Section 225 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E
Company” or “EforL”) No 15/2018 dated 14 August 2018 has passed a resolution to approve the Company to subscribe newly increasing share capital of WCI Holding Public Company Limited (“WCIH”) of 43,649,997
” or “EforL”) No 15/2018 dated 14 August 2018 has passed a resolution to approve the Company to subscribe newly increasing share capital of WCI Holding Public Company Limited (“WCIH”) of 43,649,997