not have other alternative source of funds that provides higher credit facility with lower cost as the said terms and conditions are even better than existing credit facility granted by AM. IFA views
have revealed that he confirmed with a customer that the RMF units the customer had bought in 2011 were redeemable without breaching the terms and conditions of the tax benefits. However, the actual
exchange of Zipmex Thailand. Then, Zipmex Thailand notified changes to the terms and conditions of the ZipUp+ services whereby the services of Zipmex Thailand were transferred to Zipmex Asia Pte. Ltd. in
project and negotiation of the terms of the shareholders agreement. In this regard, the Company anticipate that the foregoing conditions and the Transaction will be completed by December 2017. Please be
plain vanilla instruments. Concurrently, the SEC is proposing to amend the regulations concerning the process for revising the use of proceeds in accordance with the standard terms and conditions** and
Rules Conditions and Procedures for Management of Funds (No. 2)
Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Management of Funds (No. 4)
Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Management of Funds (No. 3)
Rules Conditions and Procedures for Undertaking of Investment Advisory Business
Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Undertaking Investment Advisory Business