ทางอากาศ (Air Freight) เพิ่มเขา้มาอยา่งมีนยัส าคญั สรุปการเปล่ียนแปลงสัดส่วนดงัน้ี รายไดจ้ากการจดัการขนส่งสินคา้ทางทะเล (Sea Freight) ในปี 2560 สัดส่วนเท่ากบั 46% ลดลงเม่ือเปรียบเทียบ กบัปี 2559 เท่ากบั
ยนต ์ซ่ึงลูกคา้เหล่าน้ีก็จะใชบ้ริการแบบครบวงจรรวมไปถึงงานบริการพิธีการกรมศุลกากร และงานบริการขนส่ง ทางบก หนา้ 3 จาก 5 Sea Freight, 142.93, 37% Air Freight, 160.31, 42% Logistics , 82.51, 21% ไตรมาส 1
in the electronic customer group. In the air freight segment and increased revenue from Cross Border Service which can be classified as follows Unit : million baht Service For the three-month period
5.9% Q-o-Q, but a reduction of 0.6% Y-o-Y. Total Sales revenue in USD terms grew by 5.8% Q-o-Q and 7.6% Y-o-Y, while PCB shipment value raised 6.55% Q-o-Q and 9.89% Y-o-Y (Table 5). The Y-o-Y Sales
17,710 15,939 1.39 (7,763) (6,987) (43.84) Edible Oil 3,680 7,042 1.09 0 0 - 3,680 7,042 100.00 Total Refining 13,627 15,994 2.48 17,710 15,939 1.39 (4,083) 55 0.35 3. Sea Freight Carrier - 11,844 1.84
shares held after acquisition 80% of registered and paid-up capital Type of business UWT is a freight forwarder in Hong Kong which provides international logistics services including import and export
Refining Service consist of 2 parts, which are; RBD Palm Oil for B100 Refining Service for THB 2.13 million, and Edible Oil Refining Service for THB 4.87 million. 4. Sea Freight Carrier Business Revenues
higher freight cost from higher sales volume in CNF incoterm. However, selling expenses of 3rd quarter of 2018 slightly decreased 0.23 percent from the same period of last year, mainly caused by lower
2020 slightly decreased 9.55 percent from the same period of last year, due to the higher sales volume in FOB incoterm, resulting in decrease in freight charges. In the 2nd quarter of 2020, selling
. Ltd., Singapore. by revenue type: Unit : million baht Service For the three-month period ended March 31, 2016 For the three-month period ended March 31, 2016 Add (Reduce) Percentage Sea Freight 152.88