auditor. Opinions concerning transactions that may involve conflicts of interest. The number of Audit Committee meetings and attendance record for each of the Audit Committee members. Opinions or
amendment will involve revision of certain outdated provisions on the prohibited characteristics of personnel in the securities and derivatives businesses that have been in use since 2005 as well as those of
ensure proper information disclosure by mutual funds investing in securities or other instruments of listed firms in any specific industry (sector fund) that may involve higher risks and price volatility
Section 98 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 98. No securities company shall: (1) reduce its capital without an approval from the SEC; (2) engage in any act which may mislead its
Section 98 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 98. No securities company shall: (1) reduce its capital without an approval from the SEC; (2) engage in any act which may mislead its
with greater opportunities to participate in the development of regulatory standards for international capital markets. It also enhances trust and confidence in the Thai capital market while showcasing
to demonstrate collective strength and commitment to fighting against corruption under the theme, “BREAK THE CORRUPTION: Don't Participate. Don't Tolerate. Don't Ignore. United Thailand against
an explicit commitment to engage with companies and high- emitting assets over a timeframe that is in line with science-based net zero pathways; aligns with just transition principles; and clearly sets
not involve with the charges pressed by the DSI regarding the contract dated May 3, 2012 where BMA by KT hired BTSC to operate railway operating system and provide maintenance and ticketing services in
limitation, the unit sale for capital increase, and the borrowing with limited purposes and portion. The SEC encourages the public and stakeholders to read the background documents and participate in the