SEC has amended the procedure to make it easier for asset management companies to seek a unitholders’ resolution to revise or modify a mutual fund project and its management procedure by
’ assets.SEC has planned to revise regulations on capital requirement for the digital asset business operators who can access into or transfer customers’ assets so that such operators hold the required
Microsoft Word - OC0061-OCMSET-6106-002 แจ้งเพิ่มทุน PP และ ประชุมวิสามัญครั้งที่1.2561 TH Revise หนาท่ี 1 จากจํานวนหนาท้ังสิ้น 12 หนา บริษัท โอเชี่ยน คอมเมิรช
under the concept of regulatory reform that SEC had used to revise multiple regulations.However, in regards of the draft regulations, SEC also held a meeting with relevant sectors, accumulated concerns
SEC is proposing to codify and revise notifications prescribing rules on the operating systems and service provision of securities companies and derivatives business operators to be more
principles in Section 77 of the Constitution.“On the occasion of the 28th anniversary, SEC has implemented the Regulatory Guillotine scheme that aims to revise regulations in all aspects for the Thai capital
SEC is proposing to amend the regulations on the capital requirements for asset management companies that manage property funds or infrastructure funds, trust managers and trustees of REITs or infrastructure trusts to ensure that they have adequate and suitably high levels of capital. Under the proposed amendments, the initial capital requirement or the minimum amount of owner’s equity must be maintained at 10 million baht for trust managers of REITs or infrastructure trusts and 20 million...
SEC has plans to review the criteria relating to the report form of the securities and derivative business operators to accommodate the change in financial reporting standards - financial instrument that will be effective from 1 January 2020. The report form will be revised to be in line with the financial statement form which has recently been revised. In addition, SEC considers it reasonable to increase the flexibility in submitting the report to be in line with the operation procedu...
SEC considers revising the regulations on the offering for sale of investment in shares held by listed companies or their subsidiaries in order that the shareholding can be conveniently restructured before any merger and acquisition. In the case of investments in shares of public limited companies, the filing of the registration statement and draft prospectus will be exempted. In the case of investment in shares of limited companies, these can be offered for sale to more than 50 investors...