website: to lure investing public that it had very knowledgeable and experienced adviser team to provide appropriate investment advice and management for the clients. The aforesaid
and private fund management. Furthermore, PPI used website: to lure investing public that it had very knowledgeable and experienced adviser team to provide appropriate investment
knowledgeable and experienced adviser team to provide appropriate investment advice and management for the clients. The aforesaid person jointly operated securities business without obtaining license from the SEC
standards, and corporate reform to streamline procedures and reduce compliance cost.SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said: ?Over the years, the investing public has experienced certain limitations
Date of EGM 1/2020 (Revise) Dear Directors and Managers Stock of Exchange of Thailand Attachment 1. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2020 2. Information Regarding the Asset Acquisition
Microsoft Word - IP_OCS_011 มติ BOD4_T 2020_revise บร ิษัท อ ินเตอร ์ฟารม์า จาํกัด (มหาชน) เลขท ี / อาคารไอทเีอฟ ชัน ถนนสีลม แขวงสุร ิยวงศ ์เขตบางร ัก กรุงเทพมหานคร โทรศัพท ์ - - แฟ็กซ ์ - 34-0135 Inter Pharma Public Company Limited 140/9 ITF Tower, 9th Floor, Silom Road, Suriyawongse, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand. Tel. 02-634-0225 Fax 02-634-0135 IP_OCS/011/2563 8 มิถนุายน 2563 เรอืง แจง้มติทีประชมุคณะกรรมการบรษัิท, การเปลียนแปลงวตัถปุระสงคก์ารใชเ...
Standards of Conduct dated 21 June 2005. Investor contacts must be fully knowledgeable in performing their duties with integrity, prudence and professionalism for the best benefit of clients to enhance and
sophisticated investors capable of protecting their own interests and knowledgeable of the issuing company?s information. This rule revision will streamline offering procedure and reduce fund mobilization costs
-protection through the exercise of their rights. Achievements on those tasks will have to be contributed by a number of factors including well-informed and knowledgeable investors, efficiency in investor?s own
process, incentives or rewards to employees with good performance, and management measures for employees who do not achieve the targets. Such processes are well informed to executives and employees. 4.3 The