% Operating profit 18.72 49.86 45.26 141.77% -9.23% 34.49 95.12 175.79% Investment income 0.10 - 0.18 80.00% 0.00% 0.11 0.18 63.64% Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) (0.30) (0.80) 1.30 -533.33% -262.50% 0.14
31, 2019 as follows: The Company reported net profit for the first quarter 2019 of Baht 0.98 million, comparing with the same period last year which had net loss of Baht 41.94 million, increasing by
) (38.3) 11.9 31.1 Net fees and service income 177.2 174.0 3.2 1.8 Gain from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 22.7 1.5 21.2 1,413.3 Gain on investments 148.2 11.2 137.0
million comparing to the net profit of Baht 1 million and Baht 50 million, respectively, in the same period last year. During this pandemic period, the Company has carefully managed the situation in all
Extraordinary Income/(Expense) 9 (6) (1) - - = Net Profit after Tax and NCI 5 18 72 (74)% (93)% *2Q19 Core Financials exclude IRSL 1 A gain on bargain purchase needs to be accounted for on completion of any
- time gain on remeasuring in amount of THB 214 million in profit and classified the recognized loss in other comprehensive income (expense) in amount of THB ( 0 . 1 8 ) million in profit or loss under the
% Net profit (loss) Attributable to Equity Holders Margin (%) 3.1% 6.4% -3.3% Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders (Exclude Gain (Loss) on exchange rate) 212.1 431.7 -219.6 -50.9% Net profit
JVs /3 Excluding FX impact and one-time gain/(loss) items In the first quarter of 2019, the Company had the net profit of THB 406.6 mm, which decreased by THB 373.3 mm or 47.9%, compared to the same
Company hereby clarifies the performance as follows: During 3 months ended the third quarter of 2019, the Company had the net profit of THB 569.6, which increased by 56.9% compared to the same period of
Expenses (35,525) (30,541) (1,092) (923) (36,617) (31,464) 5,153 16% Share of Profit (Loss) 5,972 7,264 84 65 6,056 7,329 (1,273) (17%) Gain on disposal of investments 14,177 - - - 14,177 - 14,177 100