. Net Profit decreased by 24% to THB 1,805m in 2019 from THB 2,375m in 2018 due to lower operating profits more than offsetting an increase in exchange gain of THB 319m in 2019. Past Performance Analysis
Baht in 2016. Operating profits increased 21% in USD terms to USD 67 million in 2017 from USD 56 million in 2016. Net Profit increased by 37% to THB 2,888 million in 2017 from THB 2,105 million in 2016
decreased 5.28 million baht due to the decrease in net profit from operation. • Provision for long-term employee benefit amounted to 41.87 million baht, decreased by 0.87 million baht or 2.04% due to the
export sector has expanded well from the economic recovery of trade relevant countries. Beside, company and its subsidiaries recorded the profit sharing to non-controlling interest in a subsidiary by Baht
Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 March 2018 Highlights Q1/2018, the Company and subsidiary’s total net profit equals Baht 495 million, increased by Baht 1,410 million comparing with previous quarter. Total
this period, re-measurement of employee benefit causing gain on income tax at Baht 4.8 million.
November 13, 2006 February 28, 2020 Subjects : Report of Operating Performance for the Year 2019 Attention : President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand The Consolidated net profit of Eastern
profit totaled to Baht 17 million including gain from change in fair value of financial assets of Baht 3 million, which is an increase of Baht 84 million (125%) from Q1/2019’s net loss of Baht 67 million
59 percent and 41 percent of total Revenue from sale respectively. The sharing of gain (loss) from investment value of the associates for the 1st quarter 2019 was profit Baht 1.62 million increasing
% compared with the same period of last year and generated the net profit for the year attributable to Owners of the parent by THB 76. 74 Million which was decreased by THB 58.89 Million or 329.92% compared