liabilities 4,058.16 3,116.90 Paid-up share capital 515.00 1,850.00 Premium on ordinary shares - 1,722.87 Retained earnings (loss) (81.40) (77.25) Other components of shareholder’ equity (44.87) (83.51) Total
/ (Decrease) (3,109.45) (3,041.29) Other Components of Equity Increase / (Decrease) (472.33) (488.75) Non-Controlling Interests Increase / (Decrease) (689.90) (640.06) Total Equity - Restated 59,009.50
% Other components of equity 189 196 -3% Deduct: Treasury stock (114) 0 - Total equity of parent Company's shareholders 1,145 1,612 -29% Non-controlling interests 46 0 - Total Shareholders' Equity 1,191
earnings in the amount of THB 3,480 million. Management Discussion and Analysis For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Page 12 (3) Other components of equity decreased in the amount of THB 2,822.23 million
- Share premium 6 6 - Retained earnings 1,270 1,229 +3% Other components of equity 196 199 -2% Total equity of parent Company's shareholders 1,612 1,575 +2% Non-controlling interests 0 5 - Total
investment units of the ETF fund and securities which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund pursuant to the Notification of the Office of the Securities and
securities which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund pursuant to the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission governing
calculated from the net asset value of the fund by trading investment units of the ETF fund and securities which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund
units of the ETF fund and securities which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund pursuant to the Notification of the Office of the Securities and
securities which are components of the underlying index of the ETF fund; (13) “ETF fund” means an ETF fund pursuant to the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission governing