. 4.2 The company needs to seek an approval from the Securities Exchanges Commission regarding the private placement at discount. http://www.setsmart.com)/ 4/6 4.3 The Company needs to register the
discount. http://www.setsmart.com)/ 4/6 4.3 The Company needs to register the increase of the Company's registered capital and paid-up capital and the amendment to the Company's memorandum of association
discount. http://www.setsmart.com)/ 4/6 4.3 The Company needs to register the increase of the Company's registered capital and paid-up capital and the amendment to the Company's memorandum of association
(12.37) (42.61) Total revenue from products under Company’s trademark 382.52 98.93 215.57 99.14 (166.95) (43.64) Deduct Sales discount (8.17) (2.11) (13.34) (6.14) (5.17) (63.28) Total sales 374.35 96.82
98.17 14.41 14.68 Medical service 4.65 2.59 2.05 79.29 Drugs and medical supplies 0.21 0.22 (0.01) (6.42) Other supplies 0.17 0.38 (0.21) (55.07) X-ray 2.76 2.20 0.56 25.52 Discount (3.83) (2.92) 0.91
to previous period from giving a discount to tenants. The Company emphasizes tenants’ selection to match customers’ need, to draw customers’ attention and to draw traffic. 95.64% 96.18% 95.71% 4.36
3.2 4) Body cleansing 18.5 5.1 22.2 5.7 5) Sunscreen 13.2 3.7 8.9 2.3 6) Giftset 13.2 3.7 29.0 7.5 Total revenue from products under Company’s trademark 367.2 102.3 382.5 98.9 Deduct Sales discount
other services of AIS. This will help Jaymart Mobile sell mobile phone bundle with special discount mobile handset package for customer and gain revenues form revenues sharing. Jaymart Mobile and AIS both
2.2. มลูคา่หุ้นบริุมสทิธ์ิตามบญัชีหรือราคาพาร์ เทา่กบั 10 อินเดียรูปีตอ่หุ้น 2.3. ฝ่ายบริหารของบริษัทได้ท าการประเมินมลูคา่หุ้นของบริษัทร่วมด้วยวิธีคดิลดกระแสเงินสด (Discount Cash Flow, DCF) ที่ต้นทนุ
Discount (10.13) (14.83) 4.70 (31.70) Total 506.33 456.03 50.29 11.03 1.2.1 (1) Revenues from medical services, classified by operation areas: Unit : Million Baht Items For the year Increase (Decrease) Dec