investment in NPSI resulted in the Company’s entitlement in the full refund of the capital investment. Currently, the Company is under the negotiation for the counterparty to return the capital investment. In
investment in NPSI resulted in the Company’s entitlement in the full refund of the capital investment. Currently, the Company is under the negotiation for the counterparty to return the capital investment. In
., decreased by 0.82 Baht per Cu.M., or 7.49%, due to the rising portion of household customers, who paid lower tariffs than other customer groups and the discount for Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA). Raw
lower than the market price1, the offering of the newly issued ordinary shares of the Company is an offering of shares with a discount of more than 10 percent of the market price pursuant to the
58.89 percent lower than the market price1, the offering of the newly issued ordinary shares of the Company is an offering of shares with a discount of more than 10 percent of the market price pursuant to
at par value of THB 1 per share and related matters. 4.2 The company needs to seek an approval from the Securities Exchanges Commission regarding the private placement at discount. 4.3 The Company
, while dropped aggressive discount campaigns on entry packages which reflected on 25% YoY increased ARPU. During the year, screening measures for quality subscriptions were implemented, which caused a
44%yoy), attributed to the lower profitability of Methyl Ester due to the lower feedstock price discount when the CPO price was weak and the impact from the appreciation of the THB, in which the THB
34,251 Warrants 14 14 Additional (Discount) paid in capital: Share discount (10,163) (10,163) Premium on capital reduction 206 206 Retained earnings (deficit) Appropriated: Legal reserve 764 764
48,776 Issued and paid-up share capital 34,251 34,251 Warrants 14 14 Additional (Discount) paid in capital: - - Share discount (10,163) (10,163) Premium on capital reduction 206 206 Retained earnings