on middle to lower-middle income earners in order to gain cost advantage. The locations for project development are around Bangkok peripheral area and the average selling price per unit is maintained
% Amount % Q2-19 VS Q2-18 Q2-19 VS Q1-19 Sales Revenue 13,915 100.0 13,126 100.0 12,949 100 6.0 7.5 Gross profit 2,772 19.9 2,889 22.0 2,978 23.0 (4.0) (6.9) Operating profit 658 4.7 1,141 8.7 979 7.6 (42.3
profit 1.05%, mainly caused by the Company recognized employee benefit from changing post-employment plan in expense of Baht 11.47 million during the period (net of tax). In addition, in Quarter 2 the
café. In addition, the improved Net Profit Margin was a result of the Company’s ability to manage costs efficiently allowing them to benefit from Economies of Scale. • Net Profit in 9M/2022 was THB 82
THB 221.46 Million or 184.35% compared with the same period of last year and generated the net profit for the year attributable to Owners of the parent by THB 27.96 Million which was decreased by THB
lease under a Power Purchase Agreement 104.5 104.9 106.3 1.3% 1.7% 206.9 211.2 2.1% Cost of sales and services (1,191.7) (1,121.4) (1,168.5) 4.2% (1.9%) (2,466.2) (2,289.9) (7.1%) Gross profit 421.6 350.0
(94)% 88 203 (56)% Core EBIT 231 178 288 (20)% 892 871 2% Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI4 159 128 234 (32)% 666 664 0% Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI (THBm) 5,027 4,042 7,463 (33)% 21,566 21,477 0
) (2,323.4) 29.4% Gross profit 465.6 471.6 463.7 (1.7%) (0.4%) 905.0 935.3 3.3% Net gain (loss) on exchange rate 30.9 (4.6) 86.7 N.A.(
) (1,191.7) (1,168.7) (1,165.6) (3.1) (0.3%) (5,044.3) (4,800.4) (243.9) (4.8%) Gross profit 466.2 421.6 458.7 435.8 (22.9) (5.0%) 1,872.7 1,782.3 (90.4) (4.8%) Net gain (loss) on exchange rate (17.4) 62.7
-9.9 -24.7% Share of profit from investment in associates 126.8 174.8 -48.0 -27.5% Net Profit 999.3 903.2 96.1 10.6% Million Baht Increase (Decrease) The operating result of the Company for FY 2019/2020