strictly monitor and supervise their investment consultants to follow such requirements, the SEC may consider that they have inefficient compliance systems and may pursue further actions.?The trading volume
business providers, for the investors to receive quality service up to standard.Furthermore, the regulations would stipulate certain requirements from business providers which are that they must have
, there are still pending conditions that the Company needs to further negotiate with the seller. Therefore, the Company needs to postpone the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2019. The
analysis to provide appropriate services that are accessible and suitable for investors’ needs. SEC has also launched the Wealth Tech Project using robo advisor and/or AI for investment analysis and
total from all Thai retail investors. Comments: 3. Minimum disclosure requirements: To tackle the problem of asymmetric information between ICO issuers and investors, and to ensure that key
process. Participating fund managers in signatory jurisdictions using this framework will have to abide by the “Standards on Qualifying CIS", a set of common requirements designed to ensure that the
จากกลยทุธ์การลงทุนระยะยาวของบริษทั การควบรวมภายในกบักิจการท่ีเขา้ซ้ือ ผลก าไรท่ีเร่ิมฟ้ืนตวัข้ึนของ ผลิตภณัฑ ์Necessities ท่ีมีปริมาณการผลิตสูง และผลิตภณัฑ ์HVA ท่ีมีอตัราก าไรท่ีสูงกวา่และค่อนขา้งคง
part of the deal, Aapico ITS Co., Ltd. (“AITS”), a 60 percent subsidiary of the Company, needs to sell its 60 percent equity in Aapico QI Sdn. Bhd. (“AQI”) in Malaysia for an amount of SGD 450,000. The
publicly disclose the information via the SET system by 17 April 2018. However, EARTH notified that during the process of the business rehabilitation under the bankruptcy law, the company needs to request
protection of investors? interest. However, effective implementation needs cooperation from asset management companies in self-monitoring, self-regulating and reporting to the SEC on a regular basis. In any