same period of 2019. This was mainly due to the new business in the form of In-store radio advertisement, events promotion and online content production. When deducted with the total cost of THB 16.88
pilot Inthanin shop was introduced in Siem Reap, afterwards the franchise was expanded to Phnom Penh flagship store in April, and Peng Hout branch in October. February o The company’s board of directors
income from our consolidation with Nguyen Kim since June 2019, Insurance compensation from Fire incident at Zen Department Store 3,283 THB million, the increased revenue from rental service from Robinson
Iran nuclear agreement they had with various global super powers i.e. the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany, and China; at the same time announcing trade sanctions on Iran, this factor alone would
service station, including the convenience store business, “SPAR”, and the Inthanin Coffee Shop under the management of Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd., to answer to consumers’ needs for increased convenience and
strongly, especially on a same-store basis that continues to grow together with cost effective management. Excluding the non-recurring items, total revenue increased 9.0% YoY and net profit increased 7.4
เพิม่ขึน้ เชน่การขายแบบ pop-up store, Mini Shop ทีส่ านักงานใหญ่ ชอ่งทางอี คอมเมริซ์ เป็นตน้ ในชว่งทีผ่่านมา บรษัิทไดม้กีารจัดกจิกรรมดา้นการตลาดเพื่อดงึดดูลกูคา้และรักษายอดขาย รวมทัง้เนน้การขาย สนิคา้ทีเ่ป็น
2561 โดยมีสาเหตุหลักจากการการขยายสาขาใหม่ รวมถงึแหล่งการขายใหม่เชน่การขายแบบ pop-up store Mini Shop ทีส่ านักงานใหญ่ ชอ่งทางอคีอมเมริซ์ เป็นตน้ อย่างไรก็ตามรายไดค้รึง่ปีแรกของปี 2562 เทา่กับ 511.27 ลา้
, increased by 66% as compared to the same period of last year of 201 million Baht as a result of impairment of fixed asset of 113 million Baht, provision regarding closure of one store in the United States and
during the second quarter and whist managed to open a franchised store in Phuket in 3Q 2019 while the remaining stores are expected to operate in the last quarter of the year. As of 30 September 2019, the