to Baht 25.80 million, an increase of Baht 14.28 million, which is in the same direction as income. Expenses include Cost of sales - real estate development business in the amounted to Baht 18.18
credit rating อยู่ในอันดบั investment grade ในลักษณะที่บง่ชี้ว่าเป็นการท า credit rating โดย include ทรัพย์สินของกอง 1 และทรัพย์สิน ที่จะลงทุนเพิ่ม(ถ้ามี) แล้ว
same period last year. Due to lower costs include employee expenses, contractor costs, and lower travel expenses. Finance cost The company had financial costs of 11 million baht, equivalent to the same
million contract revenue, other incomes include an interest of Baht 2 million. This is a decrease of Baht 60 million (24%) from Q2/2019. Q2/2020’s total earnings were mainly from the Company. The changings
. Total expenses were 14.62 million baht, decreased from the same period of the previous year by 67.40 million baht which is in the same direction as income. Expenses include Cost of sales - real estate
Meeting of Shareholders 2020 include the Record Date to determine the names of the shareholders who are entitled to attend the Meeting without delay, and inform the shareholders then. Such postponement of
accordance with the sales proportion of the company in the year 2020 increased. While the gross profit margin is almost the same. Page 2 of 2 Other Income Other incomes include revenue from other operations of
money which is not allowed to be paid as dividend from the account and assets of the mutual fund, and shall not include such money in the net asset value of the mutual fund and submit such money as a
/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=10140 SEC public hearing on proposed rules for submission of digital asset transaction data and related information and transfer of digital assets or money; (2) Profile Data, which include
) Profile Data, which include customer profile, company profile and product profile, e.g., wallet address, customer account number, digital asset wallet