which is supervised by a regulator located in a country whose supervisory measures on investment management are recognized by the SEC Office; For the purpose of intermediaries’ compliance with the
supervised by a regulator located in a country whose supervisory measures on investment management are recognized by the SEC Office; For the purpose of intermediaries’ compliance with the aforesaid provision
many Asian companies is the presence of a large and controlling shareholder. Listed companies are typically controlled by a shareholder owning the majority of the company‟s shares, either state-related
authorised and supervised by the home regulator that is a signatory, and established for offering for sale under the Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's
Microsoft Word - el287ee KUANG PEI SAN FOOD PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED SELLING THE INVESTMENT CAPITAL OF TRANG SURE CO.,LTD. A Kuang Pei San Food Products Public Company Limited would like to
Notification shall come into force as from 16 June 2021. Clause 2 In this Notification: “collective investment schemes” means foreign collective investment schemes authorised and supervised by the home regulator
over the audit firm, business controlled by the audit firm and business under the same control as the audit firm, either directly or indirectly; (c) business under significant influence of the audit firm
commercial bank’s services to make sure that the commercial bank has an effective system for storage of assets, is able to repay debts upon demand, and is under the supervision of a trustworthy organization
__________________ Clause 28 To ensure that the overall business operation of securities clearing houses and central securities depositories is supervised in an orderly, effective, and timely manner, securities
แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์ (Unofficial Translation) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. - 21 - FORM 56-1 One Report (Attached to Notification No. Tor Jor. 55/2563) Applicable to the Financial Year Ending 31 December 2021 onwards Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report Form 56-1 One Report Form 69-1 1 September 2020 Note : This annual registration statement / annual report (Form 56...