discriminatory actions. In this regard, SEC promotes equality and elimination of unfair discrimination between genders in line with this announcement in all six areas.* "SEC wishes to be a part of this
case thoroughly or being selective in doing so. Mr. Sak?s comment not only hurts the SEC?s reputation but also affects investors? confidence, both here and aboard, and the Thai capital market
-year guidance, underpinned by improved 4G network and larger AIS Fibre coverage. QoQ, revenue slightly dropped by 0.8%. The handset campaigns were more selective, resulting in lower marketing expense
. Handset campaigns were more selective with limited discounts, resulting in marketing expenses subsiding from 10.5% to 6.3% to total revenue. Network OPEX rose 36% YoY mainly from fully recognized payment
localized marketing campaigns in prepaid segment remained in selective areas. Adoption of unlimited fixed-speed plans has increased, posting a challenge to uplift ARPU. Recently, more online channels have
ได้ ตามราคา NR ที่เปลี่ยนไป จึงอาจกล่าวได้ว่าการปรับลดของมูลค่าสินค้า คงเหลอืนัน้ เป็นผลกระทบระยะสัน้ที่เกดิขึน้ เพราะบรษิทัยงัคงยนืหยดัในกล ยุทธก์ารขายแบบเลอืกสรร (Selective Selling) และเน้นสดัสว่นปร
สภาวะอุตสาหกรรมยางธรรมชาตทิี่เปลี่ยนแปลงไป ตลอดจนผลจากการด าเนิน กลยุทธใ์นการขายแบบเลอืกสรร (Selective Selling) อนัเป็นทีป่ระจกัษ์ชดั ท าให้ ใน 1Q63 ธรุกิจกลางน ้ า-ผลิตภณัฑย์างธรรมชาติ มปีรมิาณการขายเตบิ
businesses will be the core platform for continuous growth in selective upstream & downstream integration over the next 5-10 years. On a proforma basis, this acquisition will add 25% to IVL’s 2018 core EBITDA
domestically with the expansion of new mass transit lines which provides an opportunity for greater growth in our street furniture business. Selective digital conversion will help increase the media value of our
selective activities in which believed to bring in a sustainable return on sales. Administrative expenses were THB 294 million, increased by THB 103 million or 53.9%, representing 6.5% of total sales up from