(at arm’s length transactions) (3)ꃂ ᬀ༎㐎ᨎㄎᔎ㐎ᔎ㈎ℎ䀎㜎䠎ⴎᤎ䐎Ȏ䀎Ḏ㐎䠎ℎ䀎ᔎ㐎ℎᜎ㔎䠎⨎㌎ᤎㄎĎ㈎ᤎᬎ⌎『Ď㈎⠎Ď㌎⬎ᤎᐎ䌎⬎䤎ᰎ㤎䤎ᬎ⌎『Ďⴎᨎ㠎⌎Ď㐎ࠎᔎ䤎ⴎᬎ༎㐎ᨎㄎᔎ㐎Ď䠎ⴎᤎĎ㈎⌎ᜎ㌎㠎⌎Ď⌎⌎ℎ䀀Ḏ㜎䠎ⴎ䌎⬎䤎ℎ㔎Ў✎㈎ℎ䈎ᬎ⌎䠎䌎⨎⬎⌎㜎ⴎ䀎ᬎ䜎ᤎ⌎⌎ℎĎㄎᨎ┎㤎ĎЎ䤎㈎⠀ᘀ䤎㈎ℎ㔎⤎㰀⼀瀀㸀
เชื่อเพื่อธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์ พ.ศ. 2555 คณะกรรมการกำกับตลาดทุนออกข้อกำหนดไว้ดังต่อไปนี้ ข้อ 1ꃂ 숀 ประกาศนี้ให้ใช้บังคับตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2557 เป็นต้นไป เว้นแต่ (1)ꃂ Ȁ䤎ⴎ㐀
company; (3) prepare the following manual or guidelines for its personnel: (a) organisational structure of company; (b) roles, duties and the extent of responsibilities in extent of each staff; (c) roles
following manual or guidelines for its personnel: (a) organisational structure of company; (b) roles, duties and the extent of responsibilities in extent of each staff; (c) roles, duties and responsibilities
of the company; (3) prepare the following manual or guidelines for its personnel: (a) organisational structure of company; (b) roles, duties and the extent of responsibilities in extent of each staff
auditor in the capital market; (5) being suspended or revoked approval as auditor in the capital market or whose application in the duration of being declined from the SEC consideration; (6) being
SUKUK Structured Debenture Depositary Receipt Warrant Issuer / Underlying / Securities Date From To Search Reset Remark: IF duration IS NOT specified, the following CONDITION will be applied BY DEFAULT TO
registration statement. B. Advisers and Other Parties Provide the names and addresses of a. the issuer's principal bankers to the extent the issuer has a continuing relationship with such entities; b. sponsor
Brokerage: Investment Units, failed to comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification by failing to specify the extent and procedure of outsource function related to
– (a) the issuer's principal bankers to the extent the issuer has a continuing relationship with such entities; (b) the sponsor for listing or issue manager to the offer; (c) the underwriter to the offer