sector will have fund source for development of infrastructure which will help ease burden on government budget.The consultation paper is available on the SEC website at Stakeholders and the
and related persons must submit hardcopy documents and also online documents through electronic system, which might cause burden on the private sector and it does not go accordingly with the
financial burden, details as follow: -Seller: Yong Thai Public Company Limited. Land title number 6845 เล่ม 69 หนา้ 45 ระวาง 28 อ. 3 น. เลขทีด่นิ 4 หนา้สํารวจ 39 Tambon Lat Takhian, Amphur Kabin Buri, Prachin
liquidity and reduce the financial burden, details as follow: -Seller: Yong Thai Public Company Limited. Land title number 6845 เล่ม 69 หนา้ 45 ระวาง 28 อ. 3 น. เลขทีด่นิ 4 หนา้สํารวจ 39 Tambon Lat Takhian
* and Form 56*. These rules have caused an unreasonable burden on these companies. SEC therefore plans to improve these rules to facilitate holding companies, which engage in various types of business
activity amount 83.23 Million Bah, net cash from the investment amount (16.93 MB.), net cash from Financial Activities amount (40.23 MB.), load repayment 40 MB. and interest 0.23 MB. Please be informed
composition to ensure efficient check and balance, but the SEC has decided to impose only the one-third requirement to avoid too much burden on listed firms. Most of the firms have already met the requirement
procedure to replace the performance of the audit committee because there is less possibility of damage to the customers and requirement of the audit committee may cause unnecessary burden on the business
. Suggestions will be considered to improve the rules so that they do not impose burden on issuers in practice. For example, scripts may be submitted for SEC’s approval instead of audiovisual clips
, default of debt repayment at an amount exceeding 5 percent of the total assets, and changes to the major shareholders’ structure. To ensure that the proposed rules would not impose an excessive burden to