lessen regulatory burden and further relief for businesses. At present, the reliefs include:(1) Branches of securities companies affected by flood and unable to provide services are allowed to temporarily
lessen regulatory burden and further relief for businesses. At present, the reliefs include:(1) Branches of securities companies affected by flood and unable to provide services are allowed to temporarily
crisis. However, in promoting high CG standard among listed companies, real benefits and burden costs should be taken into account. Asst. Prof. Pradit Withisuphakorn, researcher, Faculty of Business
burden to these companies without additional benefits to investors. In this amendment, the definition of securities investment required to be reported is clearly identified as the short-term investment
company may have to take on more burden of appointing new auditors from other audit firms. Given such a scenario, audit firms should recruit sufficient auditors in the capital market to perform high quality
reviewed laws and regulations that are not necessary or do not keep pace with situations or remain obstacles to living or occupations will be abolished or revised to lessen burden on people. By doing so
offer GSSB** CD (PP-SME) ***, amending information disclosure rules before and after the offering to enhance clarity while considering the appropriate level of burden of offering via private placement
there was a lack of capital expenditures projects, resulting in low work load in the first half of 2018. For new projects that came in 2018, as a result, there was very intense competition in terms of
) 6.6 Asset Turnover (Time) 0.2 0.4 Leverage Ratio Debt to Equity (Time) 1.5 1.0 Interest Coverage Ratio (Time) (0.2) 1.0 22 ASIA’S BOUTIQUE AIRLINE Glossary Passenger or Cabin load factor : Number https
period of previous year as profit of 5.26% due to revenue from selling more high tension steel and more distribution of electricity to Provincial Electricity but somehow there are some burden cost from one