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Bangkok, June 17, 2009 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint against and suspended the approval of Somchai Kurujitkosol, the auditor of S.E.C. Auto Sales and Services Plc. (SECC), for failing to comply with the auditing standards and to perform proper audit on the SECC financial statements from 2005 to 2007, misleading the users of such financial statements to believe that such documents were accurate and reliable. Last December, the SEC had filed complaints against former SECC Chairman Sompong...
Bangkok, Sep 4, 2012 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) against Somchai Chaisrichawla while the Settlement Committee imposed a fine on Chaninan Luangwaykin and Tanakorn Ritthibunlue in the amount of 500,000 Baht each for manipulating share price of Asia Metal PLC (AMC). With a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand on irregular trading of AMC shares, the SEC probed into the case and found that ?(1) From September 13 to November 16, 2006,...
Bangkok, Sep 4, 2012 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) against Somchai Chaisrichawla while the Settlement Committee imposed a fine on Chaninan Luangwaykin and Tanakorn Ritthibunlue in the amount of 500,000 Baht each for manipulating share price of Asia Metal PLC (AMC). With a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand on irregular trading of AMC shares, the SEC probed into the case and found that ?(1) From September 13 to November 16, 2006,...
Bangkok, Sep 4, 2012 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) against Somchai Chaisrichawla while the Settlement Committee imposed a fine on Chaninan Luangwaykin and Tanakorn Ritthibunlue in the amount of 500,000 Baht each for manipulating share price of Asia Metal PLC (AMC). With a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand on irregular trading of AMC shares, the SEC probed into the case and found that ?(1) From September 13 to November 16, 2006,...
Bangkok, Sep 4, 2012 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) against Somchai Chaisrichawla while the Settlement Committee imposed a fine on Chaninan Luangwaykin and Tanakorn Ritthibunlue in the amount of 500,000 Baht each for manipulating share price of Asia Metal PLC (AMC). With a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand on irregular trading of AMC shares, the SEC probed into the case and found that ?(1) From September 13 to November 16, 2006,...
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in collaboration with UN Women and the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA), organized a workshop on "WEPs Principles to Actions." The opening