SEC Secretary-General said “With respect to the policy of SEC to enhance the protection for investors in the capital market, auditors and audit firms is deemed to play an important part in the process to achieve that goal. SEC has proposed to hire a researcher to conduct a study on the legislations relating to audit firms and auditors supervision in foreign country which will be taken into account in amendment of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (Securities and Exchange Act) to al...
, which will lead to the improvement of the audit oversight in Thailand” SEC gives priority to audit quality which is an essential factor to raise the credibility of the financial
stakeholders, information and comments from which was used in drawing up a proposal for revision of oversight of auditors and audit firms in Thai capital market, TDRI offered a detailed proposal as follows: (1
management, compliance, and internal audit based on the principles of the Three Lines of Defense to ensure the effectiveness of securities company oversight and to further promote recognition of the
. Suphan Sethapanich from as acting as personnel in the capital market business and performing duties as the managing director and the chairman of the Investment Committee for a period of three years and
and adding oversight provisions related to the personnel in securities and derivatives businesses; (3) Supervision of Securities Market and Related Institutions: revising provisions related to the over
The four persons under the criminal complaint were: (1) {A}, then {X1} Vice President, Vice Executive President, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, (2) {B}, then {X1} Executive
additional investment to upgrade office building’s facilities. - Administration expenses increased due to additional headcount required for the succession plan. Extraordinary items included 15.2 million baht
หน้า 1 จาก 1 Translation August 13, 2019 Subject: Management explanation and analysis for Quarter ended 30 June 2019 Attn: The Managing Director, the Stock Exchange of Thailand Pacific Pipe Public