intensified and currency exchange fluctuated. Loss on exchange rate amounted to 4.9 mil. baht. Selling and administration expenses were about the same as last year. - Profit for the period fell 34% from 48.9
155.70 million baht, an increase of 7.71 million baht or 5.2% from last year. The gross profit margin increased from 15.69% in 2018 to 17.54% in 2019. Sales and administration cost The company recorded
reporting such incidents to the SEC; (4) To adjust the applicable scope for investment advisory business operators to ensure that they will be able to implement sufficient controls for managing
quarter of 2016. Sales and Administration cost The company recorded sales and administration cost of 175.80 million Baht for the year ended December 31, 2017 which decreased from the same quarter last year
and Administration cost The company recorded sales and administration cost of 78.93 million Baht in the second quarter of 2017 which decreased from the same quarter last year totaling 3.35 million Baht
expenses in the second quarter of 2017 resulted in gross profit of 13.82%, an increase of 0.72% from gross profit of 13.10% in the second quarter of 2016. Sales and Administration cost The company recorded
expenses in the third quarter of 2017 resulted in gross profit of 14.57%, an increase of 0.71% from gross profit of 15.28% in the third quarter of 2016. Sales and Administration cost The company recorded
3.63% from gross profit of 19.41% in the third quarter of 2016. Sales and Administration cost The company recorded sales and administration cost of 39.64 million Baht in the third quarter of 2017 which
first quarter of 2018. Sales and Administration Cost The company recorded sales and administration cost of 48.59 million Baht in the first quarter of 2019, which increased from that of the same quarter
cut down the cost and expenses in the second quarter of 2019 resulted in gross profit of 12.92%, a decrease of 1.76% from gross profit of 14.68% in the second quarter of 2018. Sales and Administration