Reference ID Char(13)* 13 M เลขที่ Reference 3234567890123 Account ID Char(10) 10 M เลขทะเบียนผู้ถือหุ้น 0000000012 Shareholder Type Char(1) 1 M ประเภทบุคคล 0 = Thai Juristic 1 = Thai individual 2 = Foreign
3234567890123 Account ID Char(10) 10 M เลขทะเบียนผูถือหุน 0000000012 Shareholder Type Char(1) 1 M ประเภทบุคคล 0 = Thai Juristic 1 = Thai individual 2 = Foreign Juristic 3 = Foreign individual Official Prefix
company holding majority shares of such person, which means: 1. an individual or a company holding shares of such person in the number of exceeding fifty percent of the total paid-up shares with voting
; (b) an individual or a company holding majority shares of such person, which means: 1. an individual or a company holding shares of such person in the number of exceeding fifty percent of the total
spouse or a minor child of such person; (b) an individual or a company holding majority shares of such person, which means: 1. an individual or a company holding shares of such person in a number exceeding
underwriter in the following manners: (a) a spouse or a minor child of such person; (b) an individual or a company holding majority shares of such person, which means: 1. an individual or a company holding
following manners: (a) a spouse or a minor child of such person; (b) an individual or a company holding majority shares of such person, which means: 1. an individual or a company holding shares of such person
services suitable to each client carefully, especially with special care to the following clients: (1) any individual who is sixty years old or older; and (2) any person who has little financial knowledge
services suitable to each client carefully, especially with special care to the following clients: (1) any individual who is sixty years old or older; and (2) any person who has little financial knowledge
Public Company Limited Enclosed: Tender Offer for the Securities of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 of Global Power Synergy