. Overall market environment The Thai economy continued to expand mainly from 2 key drivers relating to external factors, in line with the recovery of the overall global economic conditions (Global
. Overall market environment The Thai economy continued to expand mainly from 2 key drivers relating to external factors, in line with the recovery of the overall global economic conditions (Global
recovery of the HDD industry as mentioned. Since the month of June, the Company received increasing orders from HDD customers, especially from its main customers; and production had increased accordingly
well as the Debt Recovery Committee and the Human Resource Committee. 3. Type and size of transaction, basis used to determine service fee and payment method 3.1 Type and size of transaction This
business recovery plan. Then, the executives of Blue Finix has proposed such plan in the Board of Directors’ meeting 3/2018 on May 4, 2018. However, the business recovery plan is still lack of feasibility
responsible for and approving all risk matters and will also be a member of the Risk Management Committee and all its sub-committees as well as the Debt Recovery Committee and the Human Resource Committee. 3
shareholders have directed the executives of Blue Finix to prepare business recovery plan. Then, the executives of Blue Finix has proposed such plan in the Board of Directors’ meeting 3/2018 on May 4, 2018
การเงนิ ความเชื่อมั่นของลูกคาและชือ่เสียงของบริษัท รวมถึงการปฏิบัติตามกฎระเบียบของทางการ เปนตน 3. บริษัทควรกําหนดเปาหมายในการกูคืนการดําเนินงานใหกลับคืนสูสภาพการดําเนนิงานปกติ (Recovery objective
clients, volume from existing IUs started to show the recovery sign with 17% growth in July from monthly average in Q2’2020. Furthermore, the trend of gas price looks favorable to our SPP business with a
expansion due to ongoing recovery in private consumption and the tourism sector during the festive season, despite delayed government budget disbursement. Overall, AIS reported core service revenue of