Bangkok, November 17, 2009 ? The SEC will hold a seminar on ?Preparing for Compliance with International Accounting Standards? for securities companies and derivatives brokers, as part of the ongoing
Bangkok, November 17, 2009 ? The SEC will hold a seminar on ?Preparing for Compliance with International Accounting Standards? for securities companies and derivatives brokers, as part of the ongoing
until August 31, 2008. In addition, the SEC will hold a seminar on the topic of ?Amendments to the Regulation Governing the Acquisition of Securities for Business Takeover? this August 19, 2008 to
their rights of voting for the units they hold beyond the one-third rule. In addition, business operators offering mutual fund brokerage services to omnibus accounts have to observe the regulations
business operators to understand and acknowledge all information, both personal and non-personal, they hold, and utilize it for their maximum benefits in line with such act. These suggestions will also
not subject to the ceiling of the tax-deductible amount applied to retirement-related funds. Purchases must be made between 1 April 2020 and 30 June 2020 and investors must also hold their investment
retirement-related funds. Purchases must be made between 1 April 2020 and 30 June 2020 and investors must hold their investment units for not less than 10 years. Other conditions shall be made as per the
management to asset management licensee will be permissible, subject to the specified rules. In addition, REIT holding limit will be relaxed where a REIT trustee will be able to hold up to 50 percent of the
Bangkok, January 26, 2009 ? The SEC will hold a seminar for public hearing on ?Securities Law Amendment to Enable Demutualization of the Stock Exchange of Thailand? on January 29, 2009 at the Stock
and recommendations on the following matters:1.Types of capital market transactions in which trust formation is allowed, so as to prevent improper use of trust as a means to hold assets in a manner that