of two coal mines in Indonesia to be by November 2018; to submit the report on the results of the review of the fair value of the mining rights of the same coal mines to be by December 2018; and to
exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding twice the offer price of the total digital tokens offered for sale but in any case not be less than 500,000 baht, or both imprisonment and fine. The second count
of their participation in knowledge development activities to be kept for at least two years from the year in which the renewal is granted; 5.2 The organizer – the evidence of organizing the training
of their participation in knowledge development activities to be kept for at least two years from the year in which the renewal is granted; 5.2 The organizer – the evidence of organizing the training
of their participation in knowledge development activities to be kept for at least two years from the year in which the renewal is granted; 5.2 The organizer – the evidence of organizing the training
Duration of activities At least 15 hours of participation in relevant activities during the past two calendar years prior to expiration of approval term. Session hours can be accumulated throughout the
relevant laws. 1.3 Duration of activities At least 15 hours of participation in relevant activities during the past two calendar years prior to expiration of approval term. Session hours can be accumulated
for investor contacts shall be granted for a limited term and renewal of such approval shall be considered by the SEC Office on the basis of investor contacts’ professional skills and knowledge, the SEC
hired directly. However, the inspection of the two assessment reports showed that EARTH had included the amount of coal that could not be produced for sale and was not under the mining right due to expiry
information in possession of SEC and in a form that the computer can read and readily process (machine readable data). Data can be obtained by means of code-writing for direct data query. SEC anticipates that