(%) YoY (%) Advertising 262 270 144 -46.6% -45.0% Domestic Advertising 262 182 97 -46.7% -62.9% Billboard & Other 150 101 66 -34.9% -56.2% Street Furniture & Digital 112 81 31 -61.5% -71.9% International
/21 Restated 2Q 2020/21 QoQ (%) YoY (%) Advertising 415 144 179 24.3% -56.8% Domestic Advertising 258 97 122 26.0% -52.6% Billboard & Other 138 66 71 8.5% -48.3% Street Furniture & Digital 120 31 51
Billboard2 173 ล้ำนบำท เพิ่มขึน้ 115.1% เทียบกับช่วงเดียวกนัของปีก่อน และเป็นรายได้จากสื่อประเภท Street Furniture 89 ล้ำนบำท ปรับตวัลดลงเล็กน้อย 2.9% เทียบกบัช่วงเดียวกนัของปีก่อน โดยรำยได้จำกสื่อประเภท
2560) 1 สงิหำคม 2560 181 91 90 190 102 88 199 108 91 รำยได้ จำกกำรให้บริกำร Billboard Street Furniture ไตรมำส 2 2559 ไตรมำส 1 2560 ไตรมำส 2 2560 ภาพรวมผลกัารด าเนินงานไตรมาส 2 ปี 2560 งบกัารเงนิรวม
period last year. The main reason was the revenue from furniture business in term of Baht currency appreciated from average exchange rate Baht 35.06 per USD to be Baht 31.71 per USD for the 1st quarter of
-5.70 -0.53% Sharing of gain (loss) from investment value of the associates 1.25 0.68 0.57 83.82% For the 9-month period ended September 30, 2018, revenue from sale-net of furniture products and revenue
. 2. Business of property development for lease 3. Construction contractor business and furniture and wall manufacturing business Top 10 Major Shareholders(@09 Mar 2022) Share % 1. บริษัท TWELVE
already used the proceeds from the RO to renovate the Street Furniture under BTS columns. Interim cash dividend of THB 0.012 per share (a total of THB 52mn) paid on 6 September 2019. On 11 February 2020
operated by the Seller or its agents which consist of kitchen systems, utensils, electrical appliances, office equipment, furniture, decorations and tools used in Kitchen Plus; 4 (2) All rights and
Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In 1Q2018, Domestic palm oil production has increased as well as in other countries after the drought occurred in FY2016, consequence to lower Crude Palm Oil(CPO) prices and