งำนภำครัฐ เพื่อสกัดกัน้กำรแพร่ระบำดของ COVID-19 สง่ผลใหบ้รษัิทฯ ตอ้งปิดสำขำส่วนใหญ่ของทัง้ Index Living Mall, The Walk และ Little Walk ตั ้งแต่วันที่ 22 มีนำคม 2563 ปิด Index Furniture Center สำขำทำ่
and trust in supporting the Company’s business. 3. Management’s Message Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) for year 2017 4 Overview of World Steel Industry Chart of world crude steel production
World Steel Industry Chart of world crude steel production monthly, ending 31 December 2017 Source: World Steel Association According to the World Steel Association’s report on world crude steel
on world crude steel production was 428.2 million tons in the Third-Quarter of 2017 and accumulated world crude steel production in the first nine months of 2017 was 1,266.9 million tons, significant
repercussions on the global economy, compounded by a steep recession. It was a grim scenario, with uncertainty looming large. One year later, we stand in a very different place. Brent crude oil price has had a
& More”), the subsidiary whose 100 percent shares held by the Company, to invest in the renovation of street furniture advertising media located in the area of the columns under the BTS Sky Trains lines by
% จำก 735 ล้ำนบำทปีก่อน โดยเป็น รายได้จากสื่อประเภท Billboard3 584 ล้ำนบำท เพิ่มขึน้ 64.5% เทียบกับช่วงเดียวกนัของปีก่อน และเป็นรายได้จากสื่อประเภท Street Furniture 348 ล้ำนบำท ปรับตวัลดลงเล็กน้อย 4.5
high-rise categories including revenue from the sale of furniture in addition to the residential units Revenues from the café’ under brand Skoop Beach Café, KOF, Gram Pancakes and Pablo Cheesetart
selling price of THB 5,270 / ton. The revenue from by-products; Crude Glycerin, in the 1st quarter of 2017 has decreased from the 1st quarter of 2016 for THB 4.79 million or 29.53%. Sale volume has
total revenue for the 3rd quarter of 2017 and 2016 were 72.73% and 71.92% respectively, which was effected by two factors; - Raw material pr ice: the average price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in 3rd quarter