as integrated a manner as possible. Divergence of Materiality Approaches: Financial materiality, Double materiality, Multi-stakeholder interpretation of materiality, or Dynamic materiality. https
Profit Margin 14.04% 1.94% 3-Month Period Ended March 31st 2020 2019 Variance MB % MB % MB % Revenues Sales Revenue 97.13 98.32 84.93 99.45 12.20 14.36 Other Revenues 1.66 1.68 0.47 0.55 1.19 253.19 TOTAL
%. and change in product sales mix since we invested in the new Company, KURON Co., Ltd on 3 March 2020. And DDD capacity variance loss increased from unused capacity. Gross Profit Gross profit for the
construct a simplified measure of risk in future earnings using quarterly earnings per share realization. • Specifically, variability in future earnings is defined as variance of (ex post) future twenty
คอื -20.906% (*ข้อมูลตั้งแต่จัดตั้งกองทุน) 4. ควำมผนัผวนของผลกำรด ำเนนิงำน (standard deviation) คือ 22.36% ต่อป ี 2. ผลกำรด ำเนินงำนและดัชนีชี้วัดยอ้นหลงัตำมปีปฏิทิน 12 ตัง้แตต่น้ปี 3 เดอืน Percentile 6
ของผลกำรด ำเนนิงำน (standard deviation) คือ 22.51% ต่อป ี 2. ผลกำรด ำเนินงำนและดัชนีชี้วัดยอ้นหลงัตำมปีปฏิทิน 12 ตัง้แตต่น้ปี 3 เดอืน Percentile 6 เดอืน Percentile 1 ปี Percentile 3 ปี Percentile 5 ปี
Management Discussion and Analysis Year Ending 31 December 2019 G J Steel Public Company Limited Page 4/14 Appendix Unit : Million Baht For the year 2019 For the year 2018 % Variance Income Revenue from sale
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 June 2019 Appendix Unit : Million Baht 2nd Quarter 2019 2nd Quarter 2018 % Variance Income Revenue from sale of goods 3,928 7,815 (50%) Net foreign
Baht 3rd Quarter 2019 3rd Quarter 2018 % Variance Income Revenue from sale of goods 3,083 8,666 (64%) Net foreign exchange gains 19 113 (83%) Gain from debt restructuring 0 1 (100%) (Reversal of) loss on
Company Limited Page 4/13 Appendix Unit : Million Baht 1st Quarter 2020 1st Quarter 2019 % Variance Income Revenue from sale of goods 2,696 3,398 (21%) Net foreign exchange gains 0 99 (100%) (Reversal of