.: _________________________ Part E: Independent Oversight Entity of the Passport Fund (Trustee/ Fund Supervisor) Same as Custody No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 23) Name of Independent Oversight Entity
.: _________________________ Page 6 of 9 Form 35 – ARFP CIS Part E: Independent Oversight Entity of the Passport Fund (Trustee/ Fund Supervisor) Same as Custody No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 23) Name of
performance supervision, internal audit, or risk management; (5) being able to show that person who is major shareholder does not have any prohibited characteristics under Paragraph 2 of Section 25 and the
applicant has any deficiency or inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such
applicant has any deficiency or inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such
and innovation to enhance developmental efficiency, supervision and investor protection appropriately in all aspects. Regarding digital assets, SEC must closely monitor and supervise digital asset
products or services being offered must be prominent. If containing a referral statement from others, furthermore, the source of the information must be reliable and clearly specified. In case of appointing
-oriented support to the fund industry to promote long-term investment in mutual funds, aiming to foster financial well-being for youth education as well as post-retirement living. Additionally, a focus is
first MOA is for cooperation in monitoring and oversight of fund mobilizing companies or capital market business operators, entering the rehabilitation process or involved in a bankruptcy case pursuant to
://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/AboutUs/KeyPerformance-2561.pdf English (United States) CMSB waratchya affairs, strategies; and currently overseeing policy and supervision of intermediaries, asset management