shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons and the opinions of the bondholders
: 1) Electronic submission: The bondholders may use the electronic form and attach supporting documents according to the procedures and the terms and conditions specified on the Legal Execution
both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons and the opinions of the bondholders’ representatives. The bondholders are, therefore
for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are
potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together
, approved the transaction with AEON Capital Corporation Limited for supporting on the business operation including marketing research and support as well as system support in total amount of 14,400,000 baht
transactions : No. Type of transaction Description Total Amount 1. Supporting normal business transaction without general trading conditions Expense item - Utility charges - Business consultancy fees
needed time, including the fact that the company fails to provide appropriate computer system and personnel management adequate for supporting business operation. Any of the above mentioned risks may cause
needed time, including the fact that the company fails to provide appropriate computer system and personnel management adequate for supporting business operation. Any of the above mentioned risks may cause
. Description of the Transaction The Bank of Thailand has allowed the Bank to change the structure of the financial business group by including KKP Tower as a subsidiary, operating and supporting office rental