last year, it could not compensate for the declining of sales. II. Revenue from sales from hardline segment was THB 12,925 million, decreased by 2.8% from the same period of the last year, which was
sufficient funds to operate its business and had to cease the production of hot rolled coil, which further resulted in the Company’s liquidity problem and inability to repay a large amount of debt. Through the
sufficient funds to operate its business and had to cease the production of hot rolled coil, which further resulted in the Company’s liquidity problem and inability to repay a large amount of debt. Through the
Company’s liquidity problem and inability to repay a large amount of debt. Through the years, the Company engaged in several debt restructurings, as in 2010, where the Company entered into an agreement for
The ability to repay debt and to follow the terms of the loan, and fundamentally important for several bindings The Company has been able to repay debts and doing business as per commitment. 5
repay loan from financial institutions and debentures. 2. Decrease in short-term loans to related parties of THB 458.2 mm, mainly from the loan repayment from the joint venture. 3. Decrease in investments
customer. 4.4 The ability to procure additional sources of capital. The Company already has adequate financial facility, therefore no need for additional capital. 4.5 The ability to repay debt and to follow
shareholders increased from 0.8 times to 1.2 times. On November 8,2019, the Company received payment from the capital increase totaling THB 7,474. 7 million, which was used to repay loans for the acquisition of
per share, totaling 164,403,759.95 Baht and the obligation to repay accrued debt together with the interest pursuant to the Debt Acknowledgement Letter of GNET, equivalent to Baht 85,596,240.05
31 December 2018, the Company had total liabilities equal to 1,465.0 million baht less than 2017 equal to 62.2 million baht or 2.7 percent due to the Company repay short term loan. The Company’s total